When I started thrifting in my area I only knew of one shop, it was very large, and over priced and frankly, felt more like a cold warehouse than anything else. I know now of several others in my area, and have grown to love one in particular. It's really small, and they have so many goodies that are just... yummy. It's run by little old ladies that make it feel very homey, and keep it very friendly! They have come to know my face and always make sure to say 'Hi' to me. It makes me realize how nice it is to be recognized, and how amazing it is to have that sense of 'community' that is so hard to find these days.
I found a couple of things today, one of which is just a simple little green vase. A friend of mine had one of these babies, and I have always loved it.
To my surprise, I found one!
I also found an old book that is just a handy book for having your own place! I always love these TIME/LIFE books, they are practical, and the cover is really fun :)
Lastly, I found this old GE plug-in clock. It works like a charm, but I haven't decided whether to put it in my shop, or to keep it for myself!
Lately, I have had this weird infatuation with retro clocks..
I can see 6 from where I sit!
I think it's becoming a problem.
I also made an idea book today... I have this massive pile of magazines that I have been holding on to.
I have been meaning to go through them and take things I liked out of them...
I have had this thought of making an 'Idea Book'
So I went through a bunch of them, tore out loads of pages, cut them up, pasted them in, and...

I now have a little book full of inspiration, instead of a massive pile of magazines!
I can't wait to fill the rest of its pages!
You should make one too!
So I went through a bunch of them, tore out loads of pages, cut them up, pasted them in, and...

I now have a little book full of inspiration, instead of a massive pile of magazines!
I can't wait to fill the rest of its pages!
You should make one too!
i am going to by the narwhal ornament from anthro! i just wont be able to stop myself!