Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yummy Holiday Iced Coffee

So as some of you know, I love iced coffee.
I started making this every once in awhile about a month ago because I wanted a spicy holiday treat.
Feel free to alter the size of the recipe, but no matter how big or small you make it, just make sure you try it
-Make about 4 cups of coffee(since this will be iced coffee, add an extra scoop of grounds when making it)
-While the coffee is still hot, add a huge spoon of sugar, and half that of brown sugar, add more or less depending on how sweet you like it, stir to make sure it doesn't just sit on the bottom
-Add a small, or thin cinnamon stick
-Let it sit until it cools, the longer it sits, the stronger and spicier the cinnamon stick will be
-Once you are ready to serve, pour over ice and add milk, creamer, or what I use, soy creamer.
-Lastly, turn on some twinkle lights, some good music and enjoy

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