Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sleepy time Terrier Tuesday

Hello! I know it's been awhile since I have posted a Terrier Tuesday here on The Bears and the Bees, and I thought this was a perfect way to dive back in.

I don't know if all Bostons do this, but Alabama is a burrower.
I mean, really, this little girl will dig and dig until she is able to dissolve her little body with covers.
Often she will keep her little nose out so she can breathe, and make sure everyone can hear her snores.
But can I be candid for a minute?
I get a little jealous of her sometimes. 
I will see her bundled up in a pile of clothes, or under some pillows...
And I think... if I could get even half as cozy as she is, I would have the best sleep of my life. 
But alas, I am full size person, not a 15 pound ball of pup.
So I guess I will have to settle for my bed as my cozy spot.

After I noticed her waking up, and emerging from her little cave in my bed,
I said the 'W' word.
(yes, that means 'walk', but shhhh! don't let her hear you say that!)
She sat straight up, and was rip-roarin'-and ready to roll!
I love how excitable she, and most dogs are.
One simple word gets her right out of bed...
Like she has never been so excited in her life!

It's the simple things in life that make it so sweet.

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