Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 7, Walk it out.

Today I took Alabama on a walk to a trail near by. It was one of those 'get-my-head-clear-before-I-lose-it' sort of walks. It was so refreshing to be outside with chilly cold breeze, and warm cozy sun beating down on me.  I have had so much on my mind lately, with finding a new job and just stress about life, I have been on overdrive emotionally for the past few weeks(let's be realistic-it's been months) and today I took a step towards relaxing a little bit. Spending moments on a hillside with nothing around besides tall grass, low clouds, little critters was some of the most peaceful I have had in a long time. Do you ever feel like you are just a version of yourself? That you aren't living to your potential? I had some thoughts today that that's where I am.  That it's time for me to turn over a new leaf and start living a more ampt up life that pushes me towards living the best version of me.  Firstly, I am going to starting spending more time on the sides of hills and mountains with plenty of time spreading my winds, growing, and pushing. 

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